NJ Oak Solar was constructed on a 101-acre site and connects to Atlantic City Electric’s distribution system. The project involved the removal of the dense...
Comprised of 3 projects: Sun City 25.651MWDC, San Drag- 24.369MWDC and Avenal Park- 7.695 MWDC Project Overview Sharp 128W thin-film frameless modules Emerson 1 MW...
Project Overview Construction of the Kern County Water Agency Improvements to District No. 4 Henry C. Garnett Water Purification Plant Service Entrance Approximate Contract Value...
Project Overview Mechanical and Electrical Infrastructure upgrades for the complete campus New hot water system to various buildings Completion of the underground 15kV loop throughout...
Construction new 12 kV Switchgear Building including switchgear, cable vaults, incoming PG&E, manholes, interrupter switch, 12 kV loop feeder distribution control system and campus power...
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